Syntax of C, Structure & Basic Terms

The syntax of a programming language defines the rules that dictate how code must be written. In C, the syntax is quite rigid, and a small mistake can lead to compilation errors.

Below are key elements of C syntax:

  • Semicolon: Every statement in C ends with a semicolon (;).
  • Braces: Curly braces ({}) define the scope of functions, loops, and other structures.
  • Case Sensitivity: C is case-sensitive, so int and Int are different identifiers.
  • Main Function: Every C program must have a main() function, which is the entry point of the program.


int main() 
    printf("Hello, World!");
    return 0; 
Output: Hello, World!

# Preprocessor
/*Hello World program*/
Header file
#include <stdio.h>
Global declarations
int a = 10;
main() function
int main()
Local variable
char message[] = "Hello World";
printf("%s", message);
return 0;

Structure of a C Program

A C program typically follows a specific structure, which includes several key components:

  • Preprocessor Directives: These lines begin with # and are used to include libraries or define macros.
  • Global Declarations: Variables and functions declared outside of main() are global and can be accessed throughout the program.
  • Main Function: This is where the program execution begins. Every C program must have a main() function.
  • Local Declarations: Variables declared inside the main() or any other function are local to that function.
  • Statements & Expressions: These are the executable parts of the program.
  • Functions: C programs can have additional functions other than main() for better modularity.


  • Stands for standard input/output.
  • Collection of predefined functions/methods.
  • Also known as the C library.


  • Used to include header files into the program.
  • Allows inclusion of standard or user-defined header files for accessing predefined functions or declaring custom functions.


  • Called preprocessor.
  • Includes the C library into the program before execution.
  • Used for preprocessor directives, which are instructions for the compiler.
  • Common directives include #include, #define, and #ifdef.

There are two ways for using the #include directive:

  • #include<filename>: with angle brackets.
  • #include"filename": with quotes.


  • Stands for console input/output.
  • Provides functions for handling console input/output.
  • Allows reading and writing to the console.


  • A statement to exit from a function.
  • In the main function, it returns a value to the operating system.
  • It signifies successful termination of the program.


  • Block of code that performs a specific task.
  • Can be reused multiple times throughout the program.
  • C allows both built-in functions and user-defined functions.


  • Data type that denotes an integer value.
  • Indicates that the function will return an integer value.


  • Indicates that a function does not return a value.
  • Commonly used for functions that perform tasks but do not need to return any result.


  • Memory location with a name that can hold data.
  • Variable values can change during program execution.
  • Must be declared with a data type before use.

Data Types:

  • Types of data that can be stored in a variable.
  • C supports various data types including:
    • int: Integer values
    • float: Floating-point numbers
    • char: Character values
    • double: Double-precision floating-point numbers

Example Structure:


// Global variable
int globalVar = 10;

// Function prototype
void greet(); 

int main() 
    int localVar = 20;  // Local variable
    greet(); // Function call
    printf("Global Variable: %d\n", globalVar);
    printf("Local Variable: %d\n", localVar);
    return 0; 

// Function definition
void greet() 
    printf("Hello, from a function!\n");
Hello, from a function!
Global Variable: 10
Local Variable: 20

Some Rules to Write a C Program

While writing a C program, there are several rules to follow to ensure that the program compiles and runs successfully:

  • Every program must include a main() function: This is mandatory for program execution.
  • C is case-sensitive: Ensure you are consistent with your variable names and function calls.
  • Statements must end with a semicolon (;): This is a critical syntactical rule.
  • Preprocessor directives don't end with a semicolon: Lines starting with # don’t need a semicolon.
  • Use comments for better code readability: Single-line comments are written using //, and multi-line comments are enclosed within /* */.
  • Declare variables before use: Every variable used must be declared before it can be utilized.
  • Braces {} to define scope: Blocks of code in functions, loops, and conditions must be enclosed in curly braces.
  • Whitespace is ignored: C ignores extra spaces, tabs, and newlines except inside string literals.


int main() 
    // Declare an integer variable
    int age = 25; 
    if(age >= 18) 
        printf("You are an adult.\n");
        printf("You are a minor.\n");
    return 0;
Output: You are an adult.

Variables in C

Variables are containers for storing data values. In C, each variable must be declared with a specific data type before it can be used. The basic data types are:

  • int: Used for storing integers (whole numbers) like 1, 2, 3, etc.
  • float: Used for storing floating-point numbers (numbers with decimals) like 3.14, 9.81, etc.
  • char: Used for storing single characters like 'a', 'b', etc.
  • double: Used for storing large floating-point numbers (double precision).



int main() 
    int myAge = 25;  // Integer variable
    float myHeight = 5.9;  // Float variable
    char grade = 'A';  // Character variable
    printf("I am %d years old.\n", myAge);
    printf("My height is %.1f feet.\n", myHeight);
    printf("My grade is %c.\n", grade);
    return 0; 
I am 25 years old.
My height is 5.9 feet.
My grade is A.

Data Types in C

C offers a variety of data types. Each variable in C has a specific data type, which determines the size and type of data it can store.

Data Type Description Size (Bytes)
int Stores integers (whole numbers). 4
float Stores floating-point numbers (decimals). 4
double Stores large floating-point numbers. 8
char Stores a single character. 1

Functions in C

Functions in C are blocks of code that perform specific tasks. Functions help in code reusability and organization. A function is defined once and can be called multiple times.

Every C program has a main function. Functions can also take parameters and return values.



int add(int a, int b) 
    return a + b;  // Returns the sum of a and b

int main() 
    int result = add(5, 3);
    printf("Sum: %d\n", result);

    return 0; 
Sum: 8


C programming is foundational and widely used in various fields, from system software to game development. Understanding its fundamentals is crucial for aspiring programmers.