Keywords In C
In the C programming language, keywords are reserved words that have a specific meaning and cannot be used as identifiers (variable names, function names, etc.).
Keywords are the words whose meaning has already been explained to the C compiler. There are only 32 keywords in C Programming language.
1. auto: This keyword is used to declare local (automatic) variables.
2. break: The break keyword is used to exit from a loop or switch statement.
3. case: The case keyword is used in switch statements to define particular case values.
4. char: The char keyword is used to declare character variables or functions that return character type.
5. const: The const keyword is used to declare constants that cannot be modified.
6. continue: Used to skip certain statements inside the loop.
7. default: The default keyword is used in switch statements as a fallback option when none of the cases match.
8. do: The do keyword starts a do-while loop (iteration statement).
9. double: The double keyword is used to declare variables or functions that return double-precision floating-point values.
10. else: The else keyword is part of an if-else statement and specifies an alternative block of code to execute when the condition evaluates to false.
11. enum: The enum keyword defines an enumeration type, which allows you to create named constants with symbolic values.
12. extern: The extern keyword declares variables or functions that are defined externally (outside the current file).
13. float: The float keyword declares variables or functions that return single-precision floating-point values.
14. for: The for keyword starts a for loop, which repeatedly executes a block of code based on specified conditions (initialization, condition, and increment).
15. goto: The goto keyword is used to transfer control to a labeled statement within the same function.
16. if: The if keyword is used to perform conditional execution of code based on a specified condition.
17. int: The int keyword declares variables or functions that return integer values.
18. long: The long keyword declares variables or functions that return long integer values.
19. register: The register keyword suggests the compiler to store the variable in a CPU register for faster access (not commonly used nowadays).
20. return: The return keyword is used to exit from a function and optionally return a value.
21. short: The short keyword declares variables or functions that return short integer values.
22. signed: The signed keyword is used to declare variables of signed integer types (positive and negative values).
23. sizeof: The sizeof keyword returns the size in bytes of a data type or variable.
24. static: The static keyword is used to declare variables or functions with static storage duration, meaning they retain their values between function calls.
25. struct: The struct keyword defines a user-defined data type (structure) that can hold multiple variables with different data types under one name.
26. switch: The switch keyword starts a switch statement, which allows you to select one of many code blocks based on the value of an expression.
27. typedef: The typedef keyword allows you to create nickname for existing data types, making it easier to use complex types or improve code readability.
28. union: The union keyword defines a user-defined data type (union) that can hold different types of data in the same memory location.
29. unsigned: The unsigned keyword is used to declare variables of unsigned integer types (non-negative values only).
30. void: The void keyword is used as a return type for functions that do not return any value or as an argument type when no value needs to be passed.
31. volatile: The volatile keyword tells the compiler that a variable's value can be changed unexpectedly by external factors (e.g., hardware), so it should not optimize or cache its usage.
32. while: The while keyword starts a while loop (iteration statement).